Why Play Valorant?

Valorant is a first-person shooter game that has taken the gaming community by storm. With its fast-paced gameplay and competitive scene, it's no surprise that more and more players are flocking to the game. But why should you join in on the fun? 

Valorant - PC and XBOX and how to get better at it?


Here are just a few reasons why you should play Valorant.

First and foremost, Valorant is a highly competitive game. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore competitor, there's always a challenge waiting for you. The game's ranking system allows you to match up against players of similar skill levels, ensuring that every match is intense and exciting. And if you're looking for an even greater challenge, the game's professional scene offers plenty of opportunities to test your skills against the best players in the world.

Another great reason to play Valorant is the game's wide variety of agents. Each agent has unique abilities and playstyles, allowing players to find the perfect fit for their personal preferences. This allows for a lot of experimentation and creativity, making the game more engaging and fun. And as you master each agent, you'll become a more versatile player, capable of adapting to any situation.

Valorant is also a game that emphasizes communication and teamwork. The game's built-in voice chat and pinging system allows players to easily share information and coordinate with their teammates. This is especially important in the game's objective-based mode, where a well-coordinated team can easily outplay a group of individual players.

One of the most interesting feature of Valorant is the game's focus on strategy. Each round is a battle of wits as teams use their abilities and resources to outsmart their opponents. And as the game's meta evolves, players are constantly finding new ways to outplay their opponents.

Finally, one of the biggest reasons to play Valorant is the game's vibrant community. Players are always sharing tips, strategies, and clips of their best moments. This helps to keep the game fresh and exciting, as you're always learning new ways to improve your skills.

All in all, Valorant is a highly competitive, engaging, and fun game that offers something for players of all skill levels. Whether you're a casual player looking for a fun way to pass the time or a hardcore competitor looking to take your skills to the next level, Valorant is the perfect game for you. So why not give it a try and join the ranks of players who have fallen in love with this exciting game?

Is Valorant coming to XBOX?

Valorant - PC and XBOX and how to get better at it?


With its explosive popularity on PC, many players are wondering if and when the game will be available on Xbox. The good news is that the development of a console version of the game is definitely in progress, with recent teasers from Riot Games in their Jan, 2023 Dev Diary. While there is no concrete release date yet, players can expect to hear more about the console version soon.

In addition to the console version, Valorant will also be coming to mobile devices, with plans for an iOS and Android release in the near future. While there is no official release date for the mobile version yet, it is expected to launch in 2023, following successful Alpha/Beta tests in East Asia.

Valorant's mass accessibility, thanks to its free-to-play model and minimal system requirements, has opened the door for thousands of players to experience the game. And now, with the game's release on Xbox Game Pass, even more players will have the chance to enjoy the popular FPS. On December 12, 2022, Valorant was released on Xbox Game Pass for PC players, providing subscribers with perks such as access to all current and new agents, as well as a 20% Match XP Boost for Battle Pass, Event Pass, and active Agent Contract progress. However, it's worth noting that the game is currently only available on PC version of Game Pass and Xbox users will not have access to the game even if they are subscribers to Game Pass.

Tips and Tricks to get good at Valorant

Want to improve your skills in Valorant? Follow these tips and tricks to become a pro player:

  • Practice without ego: Consistently landing headshots takes dedication and hard work. Forget about the "I'm the best" mentality and put in the hours on the Range or Aim Labs to master different guns.
  • Communicate with your teammates: Communication is key in any online multiplayer game, and Valorant is no exception. Let your team know about enemy intel and use the in-game pings effectively to coordinate with your squad.
  • Choose the right crosshair: Experiment with different crosshairs in Practice Mode to find one that fits your playstyle. Remember to consider aspects like spread indicator and color when making your choice.
  • Focus on crosshair placement: Pro players always keep their crosshairs at head level, even when not engaged in battles. By aiming at head height, you'll need to make minimal corrections to shoot at enemies.
  • Master a few agents and be patient: Instead of spreading yourself thin by trying to master all agents, choose two to three and become proficient with them. Remember that patience is key and waiting for the right moment can lead to success. "